simple business dashboard


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Notion can get so complicated, bestie. As a neurospicy gal I cannot get into the overcomplicated, over-engineered builds. They're GORGEOUS and my brain can't handle working with them.

If this sounds like you, and you still want to get your shit together in Notion, this template is for you!

I designed my dashboard to have clear navigation through pages, using databases that connect with each other to help me out. I also added buttons to help my distracted ADHD brain keep on task without forgetting that idea I have in my brain!


  • Task list database ✅

  • Page for brain dumping 🚮

  • Resources + archive pages 📑 (already stocked with some cool Notion goodies)

  • Brand guide database 🖼️

  • Content planner 📹

  • Meeting notes database ✍🏾

  • Client + connection databases 👥

  • Synced block navigation on main pages + pages within databases 📍

  • Button shortcuts on main pages ⤵️

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