skin flare tracker


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Do you have an annoying skin condition like psoriasis, eczema or acne? Do you have flares with no apparent trigger? Is your healthcare provider on your a*s to track your flares?

Say no more bestie! I gotchu!

Keeping track of your symptoms is a great way to observe patterns which makes it easier for you and your healthcare provider to find triggers and manage your symptoms. This can lead to an improved outcome and who doesn't love an improved outcome ๐Ÿ˜Œ

I created a much simpler (read: boring) version of this skin flare tracker as a way to keep track of the seborrheic dermatitis flares Iโ€™d been having since 2019. Since I started keeping track of my flares in 2022, I've found my triggers and finally banished my seborrheic dermatitis!

Use this tracker to keep track of:

  • When you have a flare (or not)

  • Your symptoms

  • How severe your symptoms are

  • Where your symptoms are

  • What skincare products you're using โ€” moisturizers, shampoos, etc

  • What medications you're using โ€” skin related or otherwise

  • Your menstrual cycle (important for menstruators!)

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